18 05 2024

The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate

The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate

the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate


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The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate

the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate is that section of the FEMP devoted to fighting against climate change and the effects arising from this, which increase the vulnerability of towns and directly affect their populations.

In November 2004, the FEMP and the Ministry of the Environment signed a framework agreement of collaboration enabling the creation of a Spanish Network of Cities for Climate, with the purpose of promoting policies of sustainability in Spanish cities, particularly those relating to the reduction of hothouse gas emissions.

The agreement seeks to promote institutional collaboration to carry out initiatives preventing contamination and climate change in a general context addressed to local sustainability, as well as to implement Local Agendas 21, a program based on inter-agency coordination and cooperation and other activities of common interest.

In the specific case of the Cities for Climate Network, the agreement already establishes a series of lines of action, among which the following may be underscored:

• Compilation of national and international initiatives
• Technical support to municipalities
• The creation of a Website with links between the Ministry of the Environment and the FEMP
• The creation of a forum for exchanging experiences
• Promotion of environmental management training
• Start-up of joint measures of awareness-raising regarding sustainable development addressed to municipal officials and society.
• Publication and dissemination of materials.
• Coordination of measures on both the national and international scale.

The Network is presided by the Mayor of Vigo, Mr. Abel Caballero.

At present, 283 local entities are affiliated, representing 27.148.355 inhabitants.